Thursday, September 24, 2009

Without the Industrial Revolution, Singapore could never have been the vibrant and thriving city it is today.


Before the Industrial Revolution, it was hard to keep in touch with others from another country.
News was spread by travellers or through messengers, and goods were distributed largely within Singapore.
It was difficult to get around, as there were no cars, aeroplanes or trains.
Food was produced locally in Singapore, and clothing was also made locally.
Most of us were farmers, and we were relying on the local community.
Some of us were fortunate enough to benefit from imported goods such as windmills.
Windmills could lessen our workload, so we could have more rest.
Education then was poor, unlike now, where Singapore has first class education.
There were few schools and universities, therefore not many of us could get good education.

In conclusion, life before the Industrial Revolution was undesired.
Transport, food, clothing, jobs and education were limited.


The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century. I was in my 20s when Industrial Revolution took place. The Industrial Revolution involved urbanization, that is, the process of migration from rural to urban communities. The invention of new machines and the discovery of new sources of power to drive these machines brought about changes that led to Industrial Revolution. These changes transformed the way people lived and worked.

Back then, the spinning machines were invented as making cloth by hand was a slow process. The production of that machine had indeed lessened the production time and had allowed more goods to be produced.

Railway trains and steamships were invented. This allowed the people in the older years to travel longer distances in a shorter period of time to look for markets and raw materials. The production of the steam engine had helped to produce many goods when coal was burnt in it to turn water into steam.

All these inventions and productions all took place in factories which cause workers to work in them instead of working at home. As a result they could produce great quantities at a faster rate and needed a place to sell their goods to, so they turned to Asia.

Industrial Revolution occurred in France, Belgium, Germany, and the U.S. about the middle of the 19th century; in Sweden and Japan toward the end of the century; in Russia and Canada just after the turn of the 20th century; and in parts of Latin America, the Middle East, Central and southern Asia, and Africa about or after the middle of the 20th century.


The world is changing. There are so many machines now which make work easier, also more goods are produced. This all started in 1750. The invention of new machines and the discovery of new sources of power to drive the machines brought about changes that led to the industrial revolution. This transformed how people work and lived.

At first in the eightieth century, making clothes by hand was a slow process in Brittan. Workers could only produce enough cloth for themselves. Everything was slow. This made it very inefficient, therefore cloth could not be made for selling thus not improving the economy.

But things started changing; new machines like the spinning machine were invented. These machines greatly changed the ways goods were produced and shortened the production time. This made it more efficient as more goods were produced than before.

The steam engine was important. This worked by burning coal in the steam engine to turn water into steam. The pressure from the steam provided energy for machines to produce goods in large quantities. Therefore more and more goods were produced.

The machines were placed in factories thus workers began to work at factories instead of working at home. The use of machines meant that goods could be produced cheaply in large quantities faster. The raw materials used to make the goods were taken from Asia, but it took a long time to reach its destination.

Soon railways, trains and steamships were followed by the discovery of the steam engine. Therefore people took lesser time to get the goods from Asia. Now people travel further to get their materials as less time is needed. Letters also took a shorter time to arrive.

All the change was drastic and very helpful to the growth of the world, this has totally changed the way people live and it is much more convenient in this growing society.


This video is about Overpopulation and Industrializaton being a global issue.


Industrialization was the main reason why Singapore economy still strived. even though we did not have many natural resources nor land. In the mid-1970s, Singapore suddenly underwent a rapid industrial advance on low-cost labor, low to middle-level technology, and a rapid increase in exports. At that time, Singapore's planners emphasized on high technology, particularly information technology, and our production valued at S$14,509.7 million, fractionally higher than earnings from financial and business services, double those from commerce, and nearly equal to the total of commerce and transport and communications. This represented a 20-percent increase over 1987. The manufacturing sector's continuing success was largely a function of Singapore's ability to attract foreign investment through a favorable business climate and then provide investors with an educated, trained, and disciplined labor force.

We hope you will understand industrialization better after reading our blog posts!